Friday, November 20, 2009

Keep on selling those tickets!!

Today Kim and I spent a nice morning at the Victoria Health Center selling tickets and chatting with people. We sold $111 worth of tickets...but more importantly got people talking about MS. A rough estimate of our team's total to date is a whopping...drum roll, please...$509!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It Works!!

Kudos to team member Kim for her idea of adding PayPal to our blog site and to Megan for setting it up! A big thanks to Allison and Cathy for buying tickets today with I can rest easy that it works!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Cozy Night at Home" Raffle

Team Crazy Legs is kick starting our fundraising for the 2010 walk by selling tickets on this huge gift basket. Highlight of the basket is a beautiful lap blanket, hand knit by Heather. The basket contains over $300 worth of items that would make a cozy winter night at home fun!